أ.د. شيخة محمد الغنام البوعينين

وكيلة كلية الدمام

البيانات الشخصية:

البريد الالكتروني
الدرجة العلمية
المجال البحثي
د. شيخه محمد الغنام البوعينين
الكيمياء التحليلية
تقنية النانو

المناصب الوظيفية:


  • وكيلة كلية الغد للعلوم الطبية التطبيقية

  • مستشار متفرغ جامعة الإمام عبدالرحمن بن فيصل

  • رئيسة قسم الكيمياء بجامعة الإمام عبدالرحمن بن فيصل

الأبحاث العلمية:

أسماء الباحثين وسنة النشر عنوان البحث اسم المجلة العلمية
F.B.Salem and S.M. Al-Ghannam Determination of Phosphate in Saudi Arabian Waters Actahydrochim. Hydrobiol., 19(3),267-273(1991)
F.B.Salem and S.M. Al-Ghannam Direct Determination of Fluoride in Saudi Arabian Water Sampels Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 45, 19-22(1991)
A.M. El-Brashy and S.M. Al- Ghannam Colorimetric Determination of Some Amino Acids Containing a Sulfur Group Pharmacy World & Science, 17(2), 54-57(1995)
A.M. El-Brashy and S.M. Al- Ghannam Titrimetric Determination of Some Amino Acids Microchemical Journal, 53, 420-427(1996)
A.M. El-Brashy and S.M. Al- Ghannam Atomic Absorption Determination of Some Amino Acids Containing Sulphur Group Analytical Letters, 29(15), 2713-2726(1996)
A.M. El-Brashy and S.M. Al- Ghannam Determination of Histidine by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Journal of AOAC International, 80(4), 741-745(1997)
A.M. El-Brashy and S.M. Al- Ghannam High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Some Amino Acids After Derivatization With 2- Hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde. Analyst, 122, 147-150(1997)
S.M. Al-Ghannam, A.M. El-Brashy and L.A. Al-Hussein Spectrophotometric Determination of some Hydrazine Derivatives Journal of AOAC International, 82(2),239-243(1999)
H.M. Saleh and S.M. Al-Ghannam Colorimetric Determination of Aromatic Amino Acids Alex.J.Pharm.Sci., 14(1), 25-29(2000)
S.M. Al-Ghannam and F. Belal Spectrophotometric Determination of DiloxanideFuroate in its Dosage Forms IL Farmaco, 56, 677-681(2001)
S.M. Al-Ghannam New Spectrophotometric Methods for Microdetermination of Fluoxacillin and Cloxacillin in Pure and Dosage Forms MikrochimicaActa, 138, 29-32(2002)
S.M. Al-Ghannam A Simple Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of b-blockers in Dosage Forms Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 40,151-156(2006)
S.M. Al-Ghannam, A.M. El-Brashy and B.S. Al- Farhan Fluorimetric Determination of Some Thiol Compounds in Their Dosage Forms IL Farmaco, 57, 625-629(2002)
S.M. Al-Ghannam and F. Belal Kinetic Spectrophotometric Determination of Atenonol in Dosage Forms Journal of AOAC International, 85(4), 817-823(2002)
S.M. Al-Ghannam and F. Belal Spectrophotometric Determination of Three Anti-Ulcer Drugs Through Charge-Transfer Complexation Journal of AOAC International, 85(5), 1003-1008(2002)
N.El-Enany, F. Belal and S. M. Al-Ghannam Polarographic Determination of Lisinopril in Pharmaceuticals and Biological Fluids through Treatment with nitrous Acid MicrochimicaActa, 141, 55-61(2003)
N.M. El-Enany, S.M. Al-Ghannam and F. Belal PolarographicBehaviour and Determination of Benzydamine in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Pharm.Ind., 65(1), 76-81(2003)
A.M. Abulkibash, S.M. Sultan, A.M. Al-Olyan and S.M. Al-Ghannam Differential Electrolytic Potentiometric Titration Method for the Determination of Ciprofloxacin in Drug Formulations Talanta, 61, 239-244(2003)
S.M. Al-Ghannam, A.M. Abulkibash and A.M. Al-Olyan Differential Electrolytic Potentiometric Determination of Some Amino Acids in Dosage Forms Journal of AOAC International, 87(3), 671-676(2004)
S.M. Al-Ghannam Differential Electrolytic Potentiometric Determination of Some Thiol Compounds in Their Dosage Forms IL Farmaco, 59, 331-334(2004)
A.A. Mohamed and S.M. Al-Ghannam Spectrophotometric Determination of Clozapine Based on Its Oxidation with Bromate in a Micellar Medium IL Farmaco, 59, 907-911(2004)
S.M. Al-Ghannam, A.M. El-Brashy and B. Al-Farhan Spectrophotometric Determination of Some Thioxanthene Derivatives J. Saudi Chem.Soc. 8(3), 393-402(2004)
S.M. Al-Ghannam and A.M. Al- Olyan Differential Electrolytic Potentiometric Titration of Vitamin C in Pharmaceutical Preparations Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Taiwan, (2005), 13(4), 295-300
Sheikha M. Al-Ghannam and Ayman A. Gouda Kinetic Spectrophotometric Determination of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide in Pharmaceutical Formulations National Conference in Chemistry, Makkah, (2007), POA4, 57
S.M. Al-Ghannam High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Determination of Some Amino Acids using Flurescence Detection J. Saudi Chem.Soc. (2007)
S.M. Al-Ghannam Spectrophotometric and Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Cephalexin and Cephradine in Dosage Forms Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Taiwan, (2008), 16(2), 19-25
S.M. Al-Ghannam Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic, Conductometric and antibactirials using ammonium reineckate Colorimetric Methods for Determination of Some Fluoroquinolone SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, (2008), 69, 1188-1194.
S.M. Al-Ghannam and A.M. Al- Olyan Spectrofluorometric determination of nicardipine, nifedipine and isradipine in pharmaceutical preparations and biological fluids. Central European Journal of Chemistry, (2008), 6(2), 222-228.
S.M. Al-Ghannam and A.M. Al- Olyan. Spectrophotometric Determination of Nicradipine and Isradipine in Pharmaceutical Formulations Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, (2009), 15(1), -.
S.M. Al-Ghannam and A.M. Al- Olyan. High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of nicardipine in pure, pharmaceutical preparations and plasma and its application to pharmacokinetics in humans Orbital, The Electronic Journal of Chemistry, (2009), 1(1), 64-74.
Soheir, N. Abd El. Rahman; Sheikha, M. Al- Ghannam; 1Dalia, M. Al-Sheikh Production gluten-free Marie biscuits from white and brown rice for celiac disease International Journal of Food Research, (2011), 1(1): 1-7.
Safenaz M. Reda, Sheikha M. Al-Ghannam Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Polyaniline Composite with Silver Nanoparticles Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, (2012), 2, 75-81.
Soheir, N. Abd El. Rahman; AhlamAlarfaj; Sheikha AlGhannam Basic of General Chemistry (Arabic Book) 2008
Safenaz M. Reda, Sheikha M. Al-Ghannam Enhanced dielectric properties of polyaniline/silver/carbon nanotubes nanocomposite American Journal of Nanotechnology, (2013), 4 (1), 16-22.
Sheikha M. Al-Ghannam, HanaaHamdy Ahmed, Nabila Zein, FatenZahran Antitumor Activity of Balanitoside Extracted from Balanitesaegyptiaca Fruit Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, (2013), 3(7), 179-191.
Ayman Goda and Sheikha AlGhannam Impregnated multiwalled carbon nanotubes as efficient sorbent for the solid phase extraction of trace amounts of heavy metal ions in food and water samples Food Chemistry (2016)
Soheir N Abd El-Rahman, Reda SMand Sheikha M AlGhannam Synthesis and characterization of nano-doped zinc oxide and its application as protective oxidative changes in the retina of diabetic rats. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism (2016).
S.M. Reda, Sheikha M. Al-Ghannam and Soheir N. Abd El-Rahman Study Effect of Source of Silica on Properties of Fe2O3/SiO2 Nanocompsites and Their Application on Hepatic Injury in Rats as Adsorbents for Removal of Heavy Metal from Drinking Water Asian Journal of Chemistry (2018).